OpenXSensor as ELRS servo expander

This is just brief description of my application of OpenXSensor in one of my FPV bird. In Aggressor I`m using MATEK`s F411-WSE Flight Controller – quite old and quite cheap FC with servo output limited to 4 PWM channels. For basic usage it` OK, however I decided to add Light Controller and that means: one more PWM channel is needed!

This is my solution: I used mstrens`s new OpenXSensor on RP2040 Zero board project as ELRS to PWM decoder with my own PCB design. Thanks to mstrens for this project and Satcomix compiling for me uf2 file 😉


OXS is just decoding data from ELRS receiver connected to receiver`s TX signal, telemetry pin of OXS is not connected.

Power supply for OXS is taken from FC servo output (  using servo Y- cable ) – please note, that power line is connected to GPS port of OXS, which must be configured with jumper to Vcc supply ( there are three options: Vcc – 3V3 – 5V, for this application Vcc is right choice ).  FC build- in BEC is 3.5A, it`s enough for my demands.

OXS compiled FW has two channels CH15&CH16 with extended range 500us – 2500us prepared for FPV servo gimbal, overall it`s decoding channels CH10 to CH16.

My installation at Aggressor is here:

Final bird look:





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